Submission Preparation Checklist
All submissions must meet the following requirements.
- The text follows the stylistic and bibliographical guidelines in the Guidelines for Authors . As described there, manuscripts generally must be submitted in two versions: a complete version for the editorial office and an anonymized version, which does not allow easy conclusions about the author, for the double-blind peer review. This does not apply to reviews, editorials, etc.
- All personal Information has been removed from the Word Document. This can be done via the following menu commands: "File" -> "Information" -> "Check document" -> "Check for problems" -> "Check document" -> "Check" -> "Document properties and personal information" -> "Remove all"
- The text is single-spaced, font size 12, italicized where appropriate, not underlined (except for URL addresses). All illustrations, graphics and tables consisting of text and vector graphics only are inserted at appropriate place in the text. All bitmap graphics (jpeg, png, tiff) - are uploaded separately and in print quality (300 dpi) and named in the text with the appropriate file name ("Insert img332344.png here").
- The file is in Microsoft Word or LibreOffice/OpenOffice format.
- The paper is previously unpublished and has not been submitted to any other journal (otherwise, an explanation is included in "Comments to the Editor").
Please submit in this category if your paper belongs to a special issue (peer reviewed).
Peer Reviewed submissions.
Book Reviews
The Journal publishes book reviews that aim to reflect the state of the art in the sociology of law as well as in interdisciplinary legal research. Of particular interest, therefore, are reviews that place the reviewed work in the research context, as well as collective reviews and review essays. Reviewa are not subject to peer review, but are reviewed by the editorial board. Therefore, an anonymized version is not necessary. For review essays and collective reviews, the length guidelines for articles apply. Reviews of individual works should generally be shorter.
This section can be used to publish short reports and announcements (0.5 to a maximum of 2 pages) that highlight events, service offerings, and generally accessible scientific resources.
Copyright Notice
Starting in 2025, the German Journal of Law and Society has switched to the Subscribe-to-Open model. This means for you as an author that we can publish your contribution open access without any costs for you. The visibility and accessibility of your article will be significantly improved. Your article will appear under the Creative Commons CC-BY 4.0 license, which enables the greatest possible dissemination and maximum freedom of use of research content.
Privacy Statement
The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.