
The German Journal of Law and Society switches to Open Access


Starting in 2025, the German Journal of Law and Society has switched to the Subscribe-to-Open model. This means for you as an author that we can publish your contribution open access without any costs for you. The visibility and accessibility of your article will be significantly improved. Your article will appear under the Creative Commons CC-BY 4.0 license, which enables the greatest possible dissemination and maximum freedom of use of research content.

Read more about The German Journal of Law and Society switches to Open Access

Current Issue

Vol. 44 No. 2 (2024): Collective Land Rights (Guest Editor: Zsuzsa Török)

Collective Land Rights and Capitalist Economy, 19th-21st Centuries

The thematic issue explores conceptualizations, legitimations, implementations of collective land rights in a transnational and historical perspective since the nineteenth century until the present: How have collective land rights been conceptualized and exercised in the age of capitalist economy? How have they been adopted and negotiated in a global context? Who promoted these rights and for what purposes?

The issue content can be accessed here.

Published: 2025-01-08
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